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CNC woodworking lathe programming instructions

    The application and development of CNC woodworking lathes in the field of woodworking machine tools, and has a certain guiding role in practical applications。
    CNC woodworking lathe programming explains the problems encountered in the work, how to do it? First, check the tool tightening. Check if the electricity, gas, processing area, etc. are normal and the workpiece is clamped. Second, confirm that the program input is correct, the tool is correct, and the system parameters are reasonable. Third, the equipment begins to return to the mechanical zero point and prepares for processing. CNC wood lathes have experienced operational failures. In fact, the best way is to first consult the relevant manufacturers by telephone, and then do the processing according to the manufacturer's instructions. If you disassemble and disassemble yourself, it may cause more serious problems in CNC woodworking lathes.
    Therefore, the proficiency and responsibility of the operators of CNC woodworking lathes also have a great impact on the machining accuracy. Although wear is inevitable during use, the wear of the machine will reduce the accuracy of the machine as time goes by. But it can alleviate a little. At the same time, the CNC wood lathe programming process must reflect the processing technology, through the combination of speed and slow, retracting knife and other methods to specifically show the characteristics of the workpiece, please note that the infeed is best to use low speed, retract or not to use the knife "Airshift" speed, fast-traveling segments with fast-traveling, processing segments with large diameter changes with small speeds, for segments with large diameter changes or large changes
It is good to go from the big path to the small path and small speed.
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